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Leadership/Team Effectiveness
- Describe a recent situation that best illustrates your style in taking charge and leading others to accomplish a task. What was the situation? How did you motivate your Team Members? Who was the hardest to get on your side? How did you do it?
- Tell me about the last meeting you conducted. What was its purpose? What obstacles did you encounter? What were your objectives? Did you meet them? If yes, how? If no, why not?
- What was the biggest contribution you have made to the profitability of a business? What problems did you encounter? What was your contribution? Did it work? Why or why not? What was the result?
- Tell me about a recent situation in which it was important for you to bring about extra effort on the part of your subordinates. What did you do to motivate them? How did they respond?
- Do you conduct formal performance appraisals of your subordinates? Tell me about the last performance appraisal you conducted. Was the appraisal positive or negative? Did the appraisal agree or disagree with your assessment? How did you handle it? What were the results?
- Have you had a subordinate who was not performing to the fullest extent of his/her potential? What was the situation? What did you do? What was the outcome?
- Have you ever fired anyone? Who did you fire? How long ago was it? What were the circumstances around the event? What did you do and what were the results?
Coaching and Development
- Describe the last important task you delegated. What instructions did you give? How did you check on the progress of the assignment? Was the outcome satisfactory? Why or why not?
- When was the last time you coached or gave advice to a subordinate? Describe the situation. What was the issue? What did you advise? How did it turn out?
- Tell me about a particular person who has become successful as a result of your actions. Who was the person? What role did you play in their development? What is this person doing today?
- Tell me about the last person you hired who just didn’t work out. What was the problem? What did you do to try and correct it? Where is this person today?
Interpersonal Effectiveness
- Describe the last time you disagreed with one of your bosses or co-workers. What was the reason? How did you express your disagreement? What was the person’s reaction? What was the outcome?
- Tell me about the last time someone criticized your work. What was the situation? What did they do or say? How did you respond? How did they justify their criticism? How would you handle the situation next time?
- Tell me about a recent time when you had to rely on the cooperation of your peers to get a job done. What was the task? How did you go about gaining their cooperation? What difficulties did you run into? How did you handle the difficulties? How did it turn out?
- Despite our best intentions, we don’t always see eye to eye with people. Tell me about a co-worker who you just don’t seem to get along with. What does this person do that irritates you? Tell me about the time you got along best with this person.
- Recall a time when you were really angry or frustrated at work. What was the situation? What did you do about it? How did you resolve the situation? (The value in these questions is as much in how the candidate answers them as what she/he says.)
- Recall a time when there was a conflict between your personal life and business life. What was the conflict? What factors did you weigh in your analysis of the problem and its resolution? How did you resolve the conflict?
- Tell me about your most recent interview. With whom was it? What was the outcome?
- Describe the most prominent mistake you have made during your career. What did you do? What were the results? What did you learn from it?
- Describe a time when you experience a setback in your career. What effect did it have on you and your family? What did you do about the setback? What was the end result?
- Tell me about the last time you received critical feedback. What critical feedback did you get? Is there a pattern to it? How did you handle the feedback? What were the results? (Probe to determine if there is a pattern to critical feedback.)
- What was the most difficult ethical business decision you have had to make? What did you do? What were the results?
- Take a moment and visualize where you were working ten years ago. Describe a situation where you had to manage people or a project. What did you do? What were the results? How have you handled similar situations in the recent past? How did your management style of today differ?
- During your last career move, what unfinished projects did you leave at the prior place of employment? What did you do about it/them? What were the results? (These questions tend to identify responsibility.)
- What was the worst thing that has ever happened in your life? What were your thought processes that helped you cope with the adversity/tragedy? Were you depressed during the incident and after its resolution? If yes, for how long? How did you get yourself though the hard time? Did you ask yourself, “Why me?” What was your answer? (These questions tend to identify optimism.)
Focus on Results
- Tell me about the most long-term, extra-hour effort you have undertaken in the last year. What was the project or assignment? What extra effort did you put in? Were you successful? Why or why not?
- Tell me about a recent time when your work was very hectic. What did you do to keep it under control? How many extra hours did you work? For how long?
- Which of your past jobs has been most demanding in terms of having to handle a variety of tasks at once? What competing demands did you have to deal with? How did you decide what to do first? How did it turn out?
- Tell me about a particularly boring or distasteful task you have faced in the last twelve months. What was the situation? What made the task so boring or distasteful? What did you do to ensure that the task was accomplished? How did it turn out?
Problem – Solving & Decision – Making
- Tell me about the most perplexing problem you have faced over the last two years. How did the problem arise? How did you go about analyzing the situation? What alternatives did you consider? What solution did you decide to try? How did you implement the solution? What was the result?
- Tell me about the last time you made a decision when the procedures or instructions you were given were unclear, ambiguous or contradictory. How did you decide what to do? What alternatives did you consider? How did the decision work out?
- Tell me about the toughest decision you have had to make in the past six months. What made this decision so tough? What factors did you consider when deciding? How did you reach your decision? How did it turn out? How would you handle this type of decision differently in the future?
- Tell me about the most technical or analytical skill you have acquired. What led you to acquire this skill? How did you approach it? What would you do differently next time? Tell me about your most recent application of this skill.
Customer Responsiveness
- Tell me about the last time a co-worker asked you for help at a time you were very busy with work of your own. What was the situation? What were you asked to do? How did it turn out?
PVpeople Glass Recruiter Mission
The mission of PVpeople is to “be the best at delivering staffing solutions to solar and glass industry clients and improve the lives of the candidates placed.” PVpeople is a tenured solar and glass recruiting firm by having created long term partnerships with hiring managers at companies around the globe. These solar and glass industry partnerships encourage mutual respect and operate under the highest degree of ethical standards. PVpeople recognizes that hiring decisions are the most important decisions a management team can make. Bringing in the right team, with the correct skills, will pay dividends every day. Let this be the year you see the difference that over 18 years of solar and glass recruiting expertise can make. Learn more about PVpeople glass recruitment services.
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